Get the cheapest rates for international calls and save up to 90%

cheapest rates for international calls

International calling can be expensive, but with Slickcall, you can make calls to different countries at the cheapest rates. Slickcall is a top-rated VOIP caller app that offers high-quality calling services at incredibly low rates. Whether you need to make a quick call to a friend in another country, Slickcall has got you covered. With […]

Calling abroad from the USA got cheaper with Slickcall

A dad is calling his daughter using Slickcall on the Father's Day

Are you unable to be with your father on this special Father’s Day due to long-distance living? Calling abroad from the USA to wish your father a happy Father’s Day may seem like a costly affair, but Slickcall can help ease your worries. Our app offers the most affordable rates for international calling, allowing you […]

Best international calling plans for landlines

A girl maximizing her fun and savings using Slickcall Application

The recent economic crisis has badly affected the communication world. But using our best international calling plans for landlines is a cost-effective way of calling international landline numbers. You will be shocked to see how affordable our calling plans are and perfect for you. With Slickcall’s best international calling plans for landlines, say hello to […]

The Cheapest Way to Call Internationally on Mobile Phone

cheapest way to call internationally

Calling internationally on any mobile number will cost you a lot, but there is an international calling app Slickcall that offers you a cheap way to call internationally and you can easily stay connected with friends and family abroad without breaking the bank. In this blog, we will explore different apps that offer a cheap […]