Get the cheapest rates for international calls and save up to 90%

cheapest rates for international calls

International calling can be expensive, but with Slickcall, you can make calls to different countries at the cheapest rates. Slickcall is a top-rated VOIP caller app that offers high-quality calling services at incredibly low rates. Whether you need to make a quick call to a friend in another country, Slickcall has got you covered. With […]

How to Call India from the US

Call India from the US

Does any of your family members or friend live in India?  And you want to call India? That’s why we are here to guide you on how to call India from the US and connect to your loved ones by spending a little amount of money. Our Slickcall app allows you to call India from […]

Best international calling plans for landlines

A girl maximizing her fun and savings using Slickcall Application

The recent economic crisis has badly affected the communication world. But using our best international calling plans for landlines is a cost-effective way of calling international landline numbers. You will be shocked to see how affordable our calling plans are and perfect for you. With Slickcall’s best international calling plans for landlines, say hello to […]